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Events > 2nd Webinar “Innovation Exchange & Funding Opportunities for SMEs in the (micro) electronics industrial ecosystem”

2nd Webinar “Innovation Exchange & Funding Opportunities for SMEs in the (micro) electronics industrial ecosystem”

External Event

Network Partner Event

Lade Veranstaltungen
  • Diese Veranstaltung hat bereits stattgefunden.


September 18
10:30 - 11:45



Within the scope of the European project Silicon Eurocluster, the 2nd Webinar on “Innovation Exchange & Funding Opportunities for SMEs in the (micro) electronics industrial ecosystem” will take place on September 18, 2024. This webinar is organized by TICE.PT Cluster within the scope of the Silicon Eurocluster project

This webinar will address new EC funding opportunities dedicated to Digital and Green transitions and detail European Innovation Council initiatives and opportunities on Business Acceleration.


PROGRAM (CET time zone)

10:30H | Open Session, Luis Miguel Silva, TICE.PT

10:35H | EUREKA – Cluster XECS Funding opportunities, Polina Pereira, ANI

10:55H | EU Funding opportunities for Green and Digital Transitions /

                Horizon Europe Cluster 4 – Afonso Duarte, ANI

11:10H | Business Scale-up – EIC opportunities, Afonso Duarte, ANI

11:25H | Cascade Funding – Process & Opportunities, Laure Tassigny, Minalogic

11:30H | Q&A

11:40H | Closing Words, Luis Miguel Silva, TICE.PT

“Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.”

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Within the scope of the European project Silicon Eurocluster, the 2nd Webinar on “Innovation Exchange & Funding Opportunities for SMEs in the (micro) electronics industrial ecosystem” will take place on September 18, 2024. This webinar is organized by TICE.PT Cluster.

This webinar will address new EC funding opportunities dedicated to Digital and Green transitions and detail European Innovation Council initiatives and opportunities on Business Acceleration.

For more information check this link:

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The 2nd Silicon Eurocluster Webinar on “Innovation & Funding for SMEs in Electronics” is on Sep 18, 2024. Organized by TICE.PT, it covers EC funding, digital & green transitions, and business acceleration.

For more information check this link:

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