The EBS-Center is a recently established building (2020) at the Campus Inffeldgasse of TU Graz.
The EBS-Center contains an Innovation Cluster in the field of Electronic Based Systems und bundles various R&D activities in Electronics, Micro Electronics, Sensor Technology and Informatics. It pursues to support technology transfer between Academia and Industry. Besides well-established companies and TU Graz institutes, start-ups und SME rent floor space. And last not least, Silicon Alps Cluster GmbH has its Graz premises in the EBS building.
Additionally, the EBS-Center runs the “EBS-Lab”, a comprehensive portfolio of top-research devices open to any collaborative and contractual research opportunities.
The EBS-Center is publicly funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF/EFRE) and by the Province of Styria.
photo credit: Tschinkersten Fotografie, 2020.
Provision of floor space for EBS-related companies at TU Graz
The EBS-Center recently established in 2020 provides office and lab rooms for rent. In particular from late 2022 onwards, we offer floor space to SME and start-ups, and to large companies as well. Added values of the site: a) be close to TU Graz institutes and students, b) be close to other companies, c) make use of sophisticated lab equipment. Get in touch with us: – looking forward 🙂
Executive Slides EBS-Center & EBS-Lab
Utilize the EBS-Lab at TU Graz
Together with the EBS-related institutes of TU Graz, the EBS-Center runs a newly-equipped high-tech EBS laboratory for any kind of R&D activities from basic research to industry-driven research.
See the attached slides for more info on the lab portfolio and get in touch with us:
Lab-Management @ TU Graz (for scientific-technological matters), +43 316 873-4420
Mag. Heimo Theuretzbacher-Fritz (CEO & Business Director of EBS-Center; for commercial matters), +43 316 873-32650
Executive Slides EBS-Center & EBS-Lab